Getting to a familiar portion of code for a job and appreciating our walks on the beach. We drop off the boys to their schools in the morning and head to the beach for a semi-rigorous walk along the shore before heading home to shower and plug away at our respective keyboards. This particular morning, the fish were jumping like crazy! Maybe another Jubilee is coming!
Oh, man! I seriously just saw a squirrel jump an easy 7-8 feet to a nearby tree! (Literally, ‘squirrel’! )
Still, this was in my reading, this morning:
“I know what you do, how you work hard and never give up. I know you do not put up with the false teachings of evil people. You have tested those who say they are apostles but really are not, and you found they are liars.” – Revelation 2:2
How do people miss this? You would think that with 2000 years worth of warning, we would have the little hairs on the back of our neck rise when someone walks into our church claiming to be an apostle.
Here’s another rub for me. The word ‘apostle’ means ‘one sent out’ where we get our inspiration for ‘missionary’ (an ‘office’ that is still very much alive!).
Here’s the ire for me, though, and I have experience with this. These ‘apostles’ don’t go and start something new, they come into our already existing churches to say they are apostles and… …wait, there’s a verse about this, too:
“…and will act as if they serve God but will not have his power. Stay away from those people. Some of them go into homes and get control of silly women who are full of sin and are led by many evil desires. These women are always learning new teachings, but they are never able to understand the truth fully.” – 2 Timothy 3:5-7
Yeah, that’s the verse. So, instead of starting something new, they go into homes (churches) like those guys who prey on disenchanted married women, who ‘…never understand the truth fully’ and whisk them away into affairs.
Please, know the truth of God’s Word.
Don’t be ‘control’led by these ‘new’ apostles.