My friend, Tony, and I were playing this game, “No Man Sky” one night and I was on a planet that periodically would have these rainstorms where the temperature would rise to an unbearable 140°.
During one such storm, I was waiting it out in a tiny cave and opened my Bible app and turned right to these verses:
“Brothers and sisters, be patient until the Lord comes again. A farmer patiently waits for his valuable crop to grow from the earth and for it to receive the autumn and spring rains. You, too, must be patient. Do not give up hope, because the Lord is coming soon.” – James 5:7-8
There’s an old Crystal Lewis song called, “People Get Ready” and as I read those last few words of the verse and thought of the song, I was reminded of the first verse of the song:
“Lord I’m ready now
I’m waiting for Your triumphant return
You’re coming so soon
This world has nothing for me
I find my peace and joy solely in You
Only in You
I want the world to see that
You’re alive and living well in me
Let me be a part of the harvest
For the days are few
He’s coming soon”
As I sat in that cave, waiting out the storm, I thought of all the storms we all have to come through, to wait out, in life, and how in each of our hearts we must come to the conclusion on our own that this world, real or game, has nothing for us, and that Jesus is coming soon.
I finished chapter 5, the storm faded and I mulled over the last verse as I made it back to my outpost:
“Anyone who brings a sinner back from the wrong way will save that sinner’s soul from death and will cause many sins to be forgiven.” – James 5:20
May the Lord give each of us the opportunity to bring someone back from the ‘wrong way.’
May He also help us patiently ride out the storms and trust Him through them.