A scientific perspective.

Just read this while looking for a quote regarding Thomas Edison:

“Some years ago a famous industrialist asked me to come and see him. His wife had died, leaving him with a terrible sense of grief and loss. He wanted assurance that he would be reunited with her someday. “Do you truly believe,” he asked me, “that after we die another life is waiting for us?”
I told him that I was absolutely convinced. I said we had the promises of the Bible, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the deepest instincts of countless people throughout history. I said I had no doubts about it whatsoever.

“But what about scientific proof?” he wanted to know.

I said, “Let me tell you something about the greatest scientist our nation ever produced: Thomas A. Edison. I knew his widow, and one day when I was in her home I said to her, ‘Tell me about your husband. What sort of mind did he really have?’

“She said, ‘Exactitude was the mark of my husband’s mind. He was not sentimental. He had to know something for sure before he would say it or record it. It had to be proven.’
Then she told me that when her husband was dying, he could barely speak. His doctor, who was also a family friend, noticed that the great inventor was trying to say something. He leaned close and heard Edison whisper, ‘It’s very beautiful over there.’ Those were his last words.”

I said to the industrialist, “Edison would not lie. He would not fabricate anything. He would report only what he saw. Is that scientific proof enough for you?”

“Yes,” he said. “I think he glimpsed the land where my wife is waiting for me.”

I think so, too.” – from Guideposts

Is that scientific proof enough for you? 😉

Is someone waiting for you there?

Will you be waiting for someone there, where Edison said, “It’s beautiful over there.”?

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