“So he killed more people when he died than he had during his entire lifetime.” – Judges 16:30

Will you be more effective for the Kingdom of God when you’re dead or as you live?

Yesterday’s devotional from “Grace for the Moment” included this passage regarding the end of Samson’s life.

Samson played with his calling.

He allowed the enemy to get the best of him through pride, vanity, and arrogance.

He reminded me of the story Pastor Wright told us of a trucking company boss looking for a driver who interviews three applicants.

“When taking my precious cargo to the market there’s a treacherous route through the mountains where you’ll encounter roads where the edges will fall into deep chasms from sheer cliffs.”

Two drivers claim to be such good drivers they’ll be able to drive right to the edges of the road without falling off.

One sees how precious the cargo is to the owner and says he will never bring it so close to the edge as to place it in any danger.

That one is hired.

How precious is your walk with God?

How often do you feel you’re walking just close enough to the edge of the world you might fall in?

You are precious to the Lord.

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