“When people work, their pay is not given as a gift, but as something earned.
But people cannot do any work that will make them right with God. So they must trust in him, who makes even evil people right in his sight.
Then God accepts their faith, and that makes them right with him.
David said the same thing. He said that people are truly blessed when God, without paying attention to their deeds, makes people right with himself.” – Romans 4:4-6
“Right in His sight.”
I have a prophecy that was spoken over Jaclyn and me wherein God concluded, “Yes, son, you will build me that hot rod.”
The prophet could have said anything after, “Yes son.” I was no longer really listening.
To be known affectionately as “son” by my heavenly “Dad” was and still is, the deepest of my contentments and it’s all His doing.
BE a son or daughter of God.
“If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation. The old things have gone; everything is made new!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17