“I give you a command in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, the One who will judge the living and the dead, and by his coming and his kingdom:
Preach the Good News. Be ready at all times, and tell people what they need to do. Tell them when they are wrong. Encourage them with great patience and careful teaching, because the time will come when people will not listen to the true teaching but will find many more teachers who please them by saying the things they want to hear. They will stop listening to the truth and will begin to follow false stories.
But you should control yourself at all times, accept troubles, do the work of telling the Good News, and complete all the duties of a servant of God.” – 2 Timothy 4:1-5
“…and will begin to follow false stories…”
Reminded me of the media these days.
How can we know the truth about what is happening around us?
Jaclyn loves her coffee in the morning.
In her preparations for it, she will insert a filter into the machine that will keep particles of coffee bean from falling into her perfect pot of coffee.
What would her coffee look like without it?
How will you know if the stories are false?
What is your filter?
“If you continue to obey my teaching, you are truly my followers. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” – John 8:31-32
Know your Bible.