“You didn’t become offended because you were so fascinated with how God had orchestrated the outcome.” – A pastor hearing our testimony.
I was, indeed, fascinated with how God brought us through an interesting challenge 16 years ago but I was also a bit offended and it did take a little while and two wonderful pastors to help me process the experience with God’s way of doing things.
Now, I only share it with you because I know I’m not the only one who has come through interesting challenges.
I also know you know I was not born yesterday and I don’t have wings.
If you experience any amount of the joy and enthusiasm of my walk with God, it is because each and every interesting challenge we come through becomes an even greater opportunity to experience God’s love, God’s Spirit, your own humanity and weakness, and His incredibly personal, spiritual, and unique to you, way of coming to the rescue.
Allow the Lord to bring you through your experiences. Slowly, thoroughly, and carefully release them to His care through prayer and it will appear to others that you were not even offended.
The Truth will be that though the challenging portion ignited a fire of offense, God’s love, forgiveness, and healing quenched it like an ocean does a sunset.